With Quality Heating

- Far Manifolds x10
- Multitubo Composite Pipe x12500
Since 1889 Rangi Ruru Girls High School has been empowering students and over the past several years has become one of New Zealand’s highest-achieving schools in academic achievement. With a focus on teaching and learning programmes, both curricular and co-curricular – they are designed to extend thinking and support developing the skills to ensure students flourish, feel empowered and have ownership over their learning. After the devastating Christchurch earthquake in 2011, Rangi Ruru lost 60% of the school's buildings.
Mechanical Contractor: AureconApproach
In 2013 ‘Project Blue Sky’ campus redevelopment began. This rebuild project consisted of $80m worth of state-of-the-art teaching spaces. Aurecon specified underfloor heating in several of the new dwellings. Central Heating New Zealand assisted by designing and supplying a high-performance solution. Our specialised designed system consisted of 10 FAR underfloor manifolds and 12.5km of Multitubo Composite underfloor pipe spanning over 3 buildings.
Rangi Ruru's primary goal is to nurture and educate future generations, and they have successfully achieved this with the help of their cutting-edge facilities. Collaborating with Aurecon, Central Heating New Zealand has played a crucial role in providing an excellent heating solution that ensures students' comfort and safety. By implementing hydronic underfloor heating, the school has been able to maintain a practical, unobtrusive, and efficient heating system while creating a conducive and productive learning environment.